
来源:趣秒懂 1.19W

climb[英][klaɪm] [美][klaɪm] 生词本简明释义vt.& vi.爬上,攀登;(太阳等)徐徐上升;(飞机)爬高;登山n.攀登;[航]爬高;需要攀登的地方,山坡vi.攀登;上升第三人称单数:climbs过去式:climbed过去分词:climbed现在分词:climbing以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 网络释义 短语词组 同反义词爬If you climb something such as a tree, mountain, or ladder, or climb up it, you move towards the top of it. If you climb down it, you move towards the bottom of it. Climbing the first hill took half an hour... 爬第一座小山花了半个钟头。He picked up his suitcase and climbed the stairs...他拎起手提箱,爬上了楼梯。I told her about him climbing up the drainpipe...我对她讲了他从排水管爬上去的事儿。
