
来源:趣秒懂 2.39W



2、rush的意思rush vi.冲,奔,闯[Q] He sprang up and rushed to the door. 他跳起身向门口跑去。

3、赶紧 仓促行动 冒失地做[(+to/into)] Don't rush to a conclusion. 不要急于下结论。

4、 3. 突然出现,涌现(河水等)奔腾 涌[Q] Torrents of water came rushing down from the mountains. 洪水从山里倾泻下来。

5、 vt.使急速行动;急送;急派[O] The injured passengers were rushed to the hospital. 受伤的乘客被急忙送到医院。

6、使仓促行事;催促[(+to/into)]匆忙地做(或吃等)We rushed the work. 我们赶做工作。

7、突然袭击;猛攻n. 1. 冲,奔,急速行动[C] 2. 匆忙,紧急[S][U] It was a bit of a rush to get the job done in two hours. 两小时内完成这项工作是有点匆忙。

8、 3. 忙碌(时刻),(交通等的)繁忙[U][S] 4. 抢购;争购;蜂拥前往[S][(+on/for/to)][+to-v] There was a rush for the concert tickets. 出现了争购音乐会入场券的热潮。

9、 5. 激增,大量[S][(+of)] A sudden rush of business kept us on the go. 营业突然激增使我们忙个不停。

10、 6. 突然袭击,猛攻 a. 1. 紧急的,急需的 The boss gave us a rush job. 上司派给我们一个紧急任务。
